在充满趣味和魔力的世界里,您充满冒险精神,充满冒险精神。欢迎来到♥超级剑人冒险 ♥
超级剑人冒险 是一款充满冒险精神,冒险的平台游戏,等待您去发现。
游戏 超级剑人冒险 是一个关于一个年轻勇敢的人的剑的故事。这个人已经克服了为正义而战的困难和危险。
利用你的技能杀死怪物,避开障碍物并特别杀死 大老板
跑,跳,双跳 跨越许多障碍,如深渊,火......投掷刀杀死怪物
3个美丽世界中的3个大老板:森林 - 沙漠 - 洞穴世界。
请注意 :
超级剑人冒险 是免费游戏下载和免费游戏,但一些游戏项目可以购买真钱。您可以在设备的设置中停用应用内购买。
请安装游戏 超级剑人冒险 进行相同的冒险并等待离线意外挑战
English Description
You are adventurous, adventurous in the world filled with interesting and magical. So Welcome to ♥ Super Sword Man Adventures ♥
Super Sword Man Adventures is an adventurous, adventure-filled platformer waiting for you to discover.
Game Super Sword Man Adventures is a story about a sword of a young and brave man. This man has overcome the difficult, dangerous to fight for justice.
Using your skills to kill monsters, avoiding obstacles and special kill BIG BOSS
RUN, JUMP, DOUBLE JUMP to across many obstacles as the Abyss, Fire… Throw Knife to kill monsters
3 BIG BOSS in 3 beautiful worlds: Forest-Desert-Cave world.
COLLECT coins to compare scores with friends by google play games
→ DISCOVER the many worlds as "Forest World", "Desert World", "Cave World"
SUPER SWORD MAN ADVENTURES is free GAME to download and free to play but some game items can be purchased for real money. You can disable in-app purchases in your device's settings.
Please install the game Super Sword Man Adventures for the same adventure and wait for unexpected challenges offline